Plums Cafe
369 East 17th Street
Costa Mesa, CA 92627

Catering: 949.548.Plum (7586)
Café: 949.722.Plum (7586)
FAX: 949.642.Plum (7586)

Plums Café and Catering Employment Opportunities

The members of the Plums Café and Catering team strive to provide our guests with the very best in dining and service. Our Staff positions include Servers, Bartenders, Hosts, Kitchen Personnel, and part time Catering Delivery Drivers. If you are interested in joining the Plums team please apply in person between the hours of 2pm and 4pm.

Plums Café and Catering is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Place your Order To Go 949.722.Plum

breakfast: m-f 8-11:30
lunch: m-f 11:30-3
brunch: sa-su 8-3
dinner: daily 5
catering: m-f 9-5